Institute for Advanced Professional StudiesDCE Professional ServicesDCE Overview | IAPS and DCE | Consulting | Training | Expertise | Further Information
DCE Training Home | DCE Consulting Home | DCE Bookstore DCE Overview:The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) was introduced in 1991 as industry-standard, vendor-neutral, full featured, scalable middleware. It was originally developed by the Open Software Foundation (OSF), now known as The Open Group. DCE includes communication, security, directory, and file sharing services and was available for most operating system platforms. Most of the major computer vendors embraced DCE, which has supported thousands of mission critical applications in small to large enterprises and governmental agencies. Today, DCE deployments still provide many mission critical IT services. IAPS and DCE:IAPS offers DCE consulting and on-site training services to public and private sector clients, worldwide. While most of our current assignments are porting and migration oriented, our technical experts have assisted organizations with DCE application/system performance assessment, integration, and other support requirements. IAPS also provides customized on-site technical training on a broad range of DCE topics. With the recent availability of open source licenses for DCE code, we anticipate our working with a growing number of system developers to implement DCE on newer platforms and evolve DCE to meet new enterprise computing requirements. DCE Consulting:
DCE Training:
DCE Expertise:IAPS staff capabilities include: DCE application planning, architecture design, application programming, cell administration, network, servers, and security expertise in heterogeneous computing environments. Our consultants and trainers worked directly with OSF on DCE during its initial design and development. We have practical, in the trenches experience, which transcends a single vendor's hardware and software. We worked with many organizations that built and use DCE applications in addition to most of the major vendors who had and/or continued to support DCE on their platforms. Further Information:We welcome your inquiries and the opportunity to discuss your organization's DCE consulting and training requirements. We look forward to hearing from you.
DCE Overview | IAPS and DCE | Consulting | Training | Expertise | Further Information
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