Institute for Advanced Professional StudiesInformation Security Professional ServicesInformation Security at IAPS | Consulting | Training | Expertise | Further Information
Security Training Home | Security Consulting Home Information Security at IAPS:IAPS offers information security consulting and on-site training services to public and private sector clients, worldwide. We provide organizations with IT security architecture and implementation consulting. Our experts assist organizations with the planning, assessment, design and implementation of computer and network equipment and complex IT systems. IAPS also provides customized on-site technical training on a broad range of security and other technical topics for software engineers, IT professionals, managers and computer users. Consulting Services:
Training Services:
Expertise:Our consultants and trainers have been working with Information Security for decades, in most cases prior to the rise of the Internet and before the term "hacker" was associated with computer crime. We have practical, in the trenches experience, which transcends specific hardware and software. We understand the practical role security plays from a business perspective, as well as what it can and cannot do from a technical perspective. Further Information:We welcome your inquiries and the opportunity to discuss your organization's information security consulting and training requirements. We look forward to hearing from you. Information Security at IAPS | Consulting | Training | Expertise | Further Information
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